Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Specimen #3 Common Powderhorn

Figure 1- Large specimen of Cladonia coniocraea on decomposing log in West Woods

Figure 2- Close up sample of Cladonia coniocraea

Figure 3- Close up sample of Cladonia coniocraea displaying squamules

Figure 4- Sample of Cladonia Coniocraea taken from log

Name: Cladonia coniocraea- Common Powderhorn
Family:  Cladoniaceae
Collection Date: 10/5/2011
Habitat: Found on bark of decomposing tree  in the forest of West Woods 
Location: West Woods, Geauga, Ohio
Description: Primary thallus persistent, squamules decumbent to suberect, intermediate to long. Color of cortex is gray-green. Widespread in Ohio, found on bark and various organic substrates.
Collector:  Vanessa Consolo
Keying Information:
Key used: Ray E. Showman and Don G. Flenniken 2004 The Macrolichens of Ohio Ohio Biological Survey Columbus, OH

Pages 18, 24-25, 43, 50
Keying Steps: 
1. Thallus Fruticose or cladoniform -61
61. Twofold, primary thallus on substrate.. -73
73. ..Squamules somewhat erect, pointed.. Cladonia
Keying Steps to Species:
1. Podetia sparingly branched.. -4
4. Podetia with brown tipped, pointed.. -8
8. ..Not cup forming.. -19
19. Podetia and squamules sorediate.. -20
20. Squamules various.. -21
21. Podetia P+ red.. -23
23. Podetia partially corticate -24
24. Upper 1/2 of podetia ecorticate.. Cladonia Coniocraea

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Specimen #2 Lemon Lichen

Figure 1- Candelaria Concolor found on living tree at Chagrin Reservation

Figure 2- Close up of lemon-colored lichen
Name: Candelaria Concolor (Dicks.) SteinLemon Lichen
Family:  Candelariaceae 
Collection Date: 09/13/2011
Habitat: Found on bark of a living tree right before entering the forest of the Chagrin Reservation. 
Location: Chagrin Reservation, Chagrin, Ohio
Description: Very small size or an indeterminate crust, lobes very minute, margins partly entire to completely sorediate; color of cortex greenish-yellow. Common throughout U.S. and widespread throughout Ohio. On bark exclusively.
Collector:  Vanessa Consolo
Keying Information:
Key used: Ray E. Showman and Don G. Flenniken 2004 The Macrolichens of Ohio Ohio Biological Survey Columbus, OH 

Pages 18, 31
Keying Steps: 
1. Foliose -2
2. Thallus Bright lemon-colored.. -3
3. Thallus Some shade of yellow.. Candelaria
Keying steps to Species:
1. Thallus sorediate.. -2
2. Thallus lobed, margins often finely divided.. Candelaria Concolor

Monday, October 10, 2011

Specimen #1 Common greenshield

Figure 1-Sample of Flavoparmelia Caperata
Figure 2- Coffee-black underside of Flavoparmelia Caperata
Figure 3-Sample of Flavoparmelia Caperata
Figure 4- Flavoparmelia Caperata on living tree

Name: Flavoparmelia Caperata Common Greenshield
Family:  Parmeliaceae
Collection Date: 09/13/2011
Habitat: Found on bark of a living tree right before entering the forest of the Chagrin Reservation. 
Location: Chagrin Reservation, Chagrin, Ohio
Description: Large size, lobes broad, rounded, dissected, margins wavy color of cortex is yellow-green, undersurface is coffee-black; rhizines simple, numerous, dark. No pseudocyphellae, older parts of lobes often wrinkled. Apothecia rare, saucer shaped.
Collector:  Vanessa Consolo
Keying Information:
Key used: Ray E. Showman and Don G. Flenniken 2004 The Macrolichens of Ohio Ohio Biological Survey Columbus, OH 

Pages 18-24, 94
Keying Steps:
1. Thallus foliose -2
2. Thallus some shade of gray, green... -4
4. Thallus thick or thin,m not gelatinous when wet.. 6
6. Rhizines present from lower surface.. -11
11. Perithecia absent.. -13
13. Thallus not umbilicate, broadly attached  with scattered rhizines -15
15. Thallus contains green algae.. -19
19. Medulla white.. -24
24. Without paw-shaped lobes.. -26
26. Lower surface with sparse  rhizines.. -28
28. Weak yellow, lobes vary in width.. -29
29. lobes narrow or broad.. -30
30. Thallus without pores.. -35
35. Thallus yellow-greenish.. -36
56. Lobes quite broad..57
57. Margins of lobes not ciliate.. -58
58. Without white pores.. -Flavoparmelia
Keying Steps to Species:
1. ..Thallus on trees, rarely on rock.. Flavoparmelia Caperata